This blog's name is SHiROi HoNOo but it was almost not.
Roughly 1 yr ago from August 2009, i was thinking of
creating a blog. But i was always stuck on the
"enter blog's name (URL)" page. I could not think of a
name for this blog at that point of time.
Few months later, me and 6 friends created a shared blog.
It was called the SevenKnightz blog. I feel that the name
was cool and a good one.
So, weeks later, i tried creating a blog again. I was once
again struggling with the blog's name. This time, i did not
back down. I spent about the whole day thinking of a name.
I was thinking of something cool but simple. Then i thought
of science which is cool. From there, came plasma and to
lightning and finally to light. The name was going to be
something to do with HiKARi.
Roughly 1 yr ago from August 2009, i was thinking of
creating a blog. But i was always stuck on the
"enter blog's name (URL)" page. I could not think of a
name for this blog at that point of time.
Few months later, me and 6 friends created a shared blog.
It was called the SevenKnightz blog. I feel that the name
was cool and a good one.
So, weeks later, i tried creating a blog again. I was once
again struggling with the blog's name. This time, i did not
back down. I spent about the whole day thinking of a name.
I was thinking of something cool but simple. Then i thought
of science which is cool. From there, came plasma and to
lightning and finally to light. The name was going to be
something to do with HiKARi.
But somehow, fire came to my mind. It was then changed to
flame which was Honoo in Japanese. A simple honoo was
not enough though.
I went on adding my favorite colors. They are Blue, Black,
White and Silver. I was planning to use Black Flame which
was KuROi HoNOo but it sounds evil so i went on to
Silver Flame. Silver Flame is GiN no HoNOo but it sounded...
weird~. I was then left with Blue and White. White is good
as it does not sound weird (shiroi honoo) neither does it
sound evil. But AOi HoNOo seemed much cooler to me. Aoi
is Blue which can mean diffenent shades of Blue. The
problem is that i only like a particular shade of Blue.
Therefore, i chose SHiROi HoNOo in the end.
flame which was Honoo in Japanese. A simple honoo was
not enough though.
I went on adding my favorite colors. They are Blue, Black,
White and Silver. I was planning to use Black Flame which
was KuROi HoNOo but it sounds evil so i went on to
Silver Flame. Silver Flame is GiN no HoNOo but it sounded...
weird~. I was then left with Blue and White. White is good
as it does not sound weird (shiroi honoo) neither does it
sound evil. But AOi HoNOo seemed much cooler to me. Aoi
is Blue which can mean diffenent shades of Blue. The
problem is that i only like a particular shade of Blue.
Therefore, i chose SHiROi HoNOo in the end.

Site Started Since ↦ 07/08/2009
Best Viewed on ↦ 1280 X 800 Screen
Best Viewed in ↦ 1) FireFox
2) GoogleChrome
3) Any Other Browser
Best Viewed on ↦ 1280 X 800 Screen
Best Viewed in ↦ 1) FireFox
2) GoogleChrome
3) Any Other Browser
Rules And Regulations
Please refrain from swearing or cursing in the chatbox or doing any other
rude actions that may result in hurting others in this blog. Please Do Not also
spam in the chatbox. Also, please Do Not advertise while u are here unless
given permission to do so.
This blog is created for the purpose of writing what i feel like writing. Hence, if
something i wrote offended you or someone you know, feel free to tell me in
the chatbox or with the information in the Contacts section. Once i see it, i
will either remove it or phrase it nicer. It is only a coincidence if something
i wrote here happened to you hence is not about you at all.
Terms and Conditions
The Artwork section of this blog is for anyone and everyone to view. It will
feature artworks/skins/template/personas and any other forms of works
created or modified by me. If you see anything that looks like your artwork,
give me proof and i MIGHT remove it or credit you as most of the arts were
taken directly on image hosting sites or search engines.
Feel free to explore the blog.
( ^ __ ^ )
Please refrain from swearing or cursing in the chatbox or doing any other
rude actions that may result in hurting others in this blog. Please Do Not also
spam in the chatbox. Also, please Do Not advertise while u are here unless
given permission to do so.
This blog is created for the purpose of writing what i feel like writing. Hence, if
something i wrote offended you or someone you know, feel free to tell me in
the chatbox or with the information in the Contacts section. Once i see it, i
will either remove it or phrase it nicer. It is only a coincidence if something
i wrote here happened to you hence is not about you at all.
Terms and Conditions
The Artwork section of this blog is for anyone and everyone to view. It will
feature artworks/skins/template/personas and any other forms of works
created or modified by me. If you see anything that looks like your artwork,
give me proof and i MIGHT remove it or credit you as most of the arts were
taken directly on image hosting sites or search engines.
Feel free to explore the blog.
( ^ __ ^ )