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3rd May - Creating new blog skin(May take some time, although mostly done)

28th April - Changing Gallery's layout with JavaScript
18th April - Adding "Ichiban Suki na Anime to Geemu Kyara! (>/////<)" to My Profile
18th April - Replaced old "My Anime Wishlist! :P" in My Profile

23rd September - Relocated random character catch phrases
16th June - Plans to relocate and redesign the top marquee
14th June - Fixing blog's meta description on search engine
31st May - Removed Poll
29th April - Adding Poll on sidebar
26th April - Fixing blog archive calender
8th April - Trying to figure out how to prevent the Google 'zx=' parameter from loading into the URL
8th April - Styling calendar archive
8th April - Unprivating the blog

7th April - Edited post in Personal Blog Entry
7th April - Added new background image without 'magiccolumn' and Haruka-chan :(
7th April - Redoing Background due to cross-browser issues and screen sizes
6th April - Added more 'addthis' button.
6th April - Changed Twitter description in Contact ME
6th April - Changed the Contact Me shoutbox color
6th April - Color and style change for Personal Blog Entry
6th April - Fixed the banner in 'Link to me' for Chrome browser
5th April - Added 'Version 7.0' to the banner
5th April - Fixing Wallpaper

5th April - Modifying the Random Quotes Bar for better view
4th April - Adding Konami Code
3rd April - New blog template's main look completed
2nd April - Blog is now on version 7.0! :D
27th Feb - Did a revamp on the blog. :)


Otome Yokai Zakuro this week talks about another of the sub protagonist by the name of SusukiHatoru.
She is the "fragile" looking one and her human partner is called Riken, a man without much words. They set off for a mission together with the other team. For this mission, "team zakuro" is somehow given a leave hence there isn't much of Zakuro in the episode. During the mission, SusukiHatoru and Riken learned more about each other and SusukiHatoru's ability is the ability to sense the emotions/feelings/thoughts of whoever/whatever she come close to or have physical contact. I presume that the next episode will be about the twins then. Btw, that is my favourite pair of couple in the series! :0

Shinrei Tantei Yakumo talks about more of Yakumo's life. How he got his necklace, about his mother and there is another case of supernatural encounter. With the news reporter who is the daughter of the police chief being possessed and the ghost that is a drug addict who use to be a doctor. Judging by the action of the ghost, Yakumo deduced that it is probably a case of murder. They went to visit the coroner who gave them some information, who then went off to investigate another case which is of the serial killing of teenage girls. Both the case are actually connect to the story, so we will see. And lastly the "bad guy" have their eyes on Haruka...

Fairy Tail is in a Filler! D:<

Oreimo was so funny this week and is starting to get even better. Still, although much lesser, there are still quarrels in every episode. Will be looking forward to the next episode to see how things goes...

In Milky Holmes, with the Milky Holmes failing times and times, another group of detectives, by the name of G4 took over their job of catching the infamous thieves. Milky Holmes feels that it is a good opportunity to prove themselves and went ahead to the site but caused trouble instead. After several things, they went back to the site and saw the infamous thieves again. They are returning what they have stolen which is a fake. Things happened and somehow, Cordelia and Twenty are trapped inside a coffin. Determined to save each other's companion, the two sides joined forces but still could not get the door open.
Finally, Hercule Barton managed to used her "supposed to be gone" Toy and saved Cordelia.But right after that, it seems that she is unable to use her toys again.

In Star Driver, it seems that the bad guys have won even though they lost. Because what's important is that the item they are testing managed to work and it will probably bring more trouble to the hero, Galatic Pretty Boy. And i can pretty much see the ending where "someone" will betray "someone". This may give the plot a big twist!

Super Robot Wars was still, confusing. But pieces are getting together after each episode and in this episode, it seems that Arado is dead, or maybe... And Seolla is now filled with hatred and will bring down Latooni with everything she got. Lastly, more character will be out introduced soon... which will make the story more confusing... :S

Bakuman was nice. They finally have a target and a "model" to overtake. A mere 15year old boy have been the winner of a manga competition. This upset but boost the morale of the Takagi and Saito. And now, they are aiming to overtake this boy by making and submitting their first "name".

Lastly, DragonBall Kai. Kirilin managed to find Andoroid No.18 and 16's location and is pondering over whether to use the control or not. And in Goku side, Goku is still training 24/7 with Gohan still struggling with the super saiyan transformation.
And in Cell and Vegeta side, Vegeta is simply too overpowering for Cell and Cell decided to do a little taunt at Vegeta. He kept repeating that he can easily beat Vegeta if he is in his final form and finally taunt Vegeta to help look for Android No.18 and make him reach the final form.
In the preview, it seems that Cell found out the location of Android No.18 and Vegeta helped Cell a little by stopping Trunks from Stopping Cell.



Edited:27th February 2012 
Reason:Revamping Blog

[Osusume PV]
Kenshi Yonezu - Eine Kleine
Blog Owner's Comment: Coming Soon!
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