
Announcement | Updates

3rd May - Creating new blog skin(May take some time, although mostly done)

28th April - Changing Gallery's layout with JavaScript
18th April - Adding "Ichiban Suki na Anime to Geemu Kyara! (>/////<)" to My Profile
18th April - Replaced old "My Anime Wishlist! :P" in My Profile

23rd September - Relocated random character catch phrases
16th June - Plans to relocate and redesign the top marquee
14th June - Fixing blog's meta description on search engine
31st May - Removed Poll
29th April - Adding Poll on sidebar
26th April - Fixing blog archive calender
8th April - Trying to figure out how to prevent the Google 'zx=' parameter from loading into the URL
8th April - Styling calendar archive
8th April - Unprivating the blog

7th April - Edited post in Personal Blog Entry
7th April - Added new background image without 'magiccolumn' and Haruka-chan :(
7th April - Redoing Background due to cross-browser issues and screen sizes
6th April - Added more 'addthis' button.
6th April - Changed Twitter description in Contact ME
6th April - Changed the Contact Me shoutbox color
6th April - Color and style change for Personal Blog Entry
6th April - Fixed the banner in 'Link to me' for Chrome browser
5th April - Added 'Version 7.0' to the banner
5th April - Fixing Wallpaper

5th April - Modifying the Random Quotes Bar for better view
4th April - Adding Konami Code
3rd April - New blog template's main look completed
2nd April - Blog is now on version 7.0! :D
27th Feb - Did a revamp on the blog. :)

Anime | Another bug on Trickster!

 don't have much time to blog. So, let's speed things up.:)

Didn't like this week of To aru Majutsu no Index! Reason because Index was not giving much airing time!!!:( Besides that, we see Agnese helping Touma and Orsola in exchange for them to rescue Sister Angelene and Sister "I forget name". As usual Touma managed to rescue them and after that the ship they were on was blown into pieces. Surviving the explosion, the gang fell into deep waters. However, the Amasuka's were following them with a Wooden Submarine (DOESN'T IT LEAK!?) and managed to rescue them. When Touma woke up, he heard about Agnese being ignorant about her own fate, and decides to save her. So, together with the Amasuka's and the 2 sisters he saved, they charged into the fleet of the Roman Catholic Church.

In Tegami Bachi, I guess, Gauche decided to stay as Noir. In this episode we see things in Roda's view with a few scene of Lag and gang frantically looking for Gauche. Niche was the one who found Gauche but he had already turn back Noir. If i am not wrong, he will still remain as a good guy, but taking on the Noir name, so that he can "trick" the bad guys. But that's all my opinion. Lastly, Roda's humanoid form is kind of cute. >.<

Next, In Bakuman., we see Azuki's debut in an anime. Takagi and Mashiro managed to write out a battle manga that Hattori-san managed to except. However, they could not even be nominated in the event they were submitted in. With this, both of them decided to find a break through. Takagi decides to be alone for awhile to cure his "writer's block". And Mashiro received a job to become Nijima's assistant so that he could learn more. Lastly again, the new ending is GREAT! I can't wait for the full version!

For Beelzebub, I guess after the big spoiler, I kind of know how things will turn out. But i am still glad i watched it for the extra comedy and action. So in this episode, Oga continues on his search for someone more vicious then him and he met a 3rd year tyrant. Seeing that baby Beel doesn't like him, he beat the crap out of him and will probably make the third year's either afraid of him or want to mess with him more.

In One Piece, BLACK BEARD IS FINALLY OUT!!! Marshall D. Teach came out around the last few scene of the show together with his newly gathered crew. Before that, with Ace dead, the whitebeard crew decided to continue Ace's will of saving Luffy by protecting him from Akainu. Seeing that his 'son' is dead, Whitebeard went on a rampage and destroyed the Navy HQ together with Akainu. Akainu drop down into the deep sea but will probably survive even if he is a Devil Fruit User. If he were to die now, how can Luffy get his revenge!? I will definitely be waiting for the battle of Whitebeard VS BlackBeard!

I found another bug in Trickster! (wonders what are the programmers doing.)
The screenshot above, if you look carefully, you will notice the sprite under the preview section of Trickster Character Creation missing! I tried to do a 1:1 support and report it, but due to the large image, i failed the first time and couldn't be bother with it anymore. And yes, I am playing a new Character. It's a Sheep!

This screenshot above is just SO CUTE! Too bad i am lazy to do a animated .gif of it. 
DAT CAT! If only it's available as a pet in-game. Even if it's a cash item, I WILL BUY IT!  NYAA~



Edited:27th February 2012 
Reason:Revamping Blog

[Osusume PV]
Kenshi Yonezu - Eine Kleine
Blog Owner's Comment: Coming Soon!
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