
Announcement | Updates

3rd May - Creating new blog skin(May take some time, although mostly done)

28th April - Changing Gallery's layout with JavaScript
18th April - Adding "Ichiban Suki na Anime to Geemu Kyara! (>/////<)" to My Profile
18th April - Replaced old "My Anime Wishlist! :P" in My Profile

23rd September - Relocated random character catch phrases
16th June - Plans to relocate and redesign the top marquee
14th June - Fixing blog's meta description on search engine
31st May - Removed Poll
29th April - Adding Poll on sidebar
26th April - Fixing blog archive calender
8th April - Trying to figure out how to prevent the Google 'zx=' parameter from loading into the URL
8th April - Styling calendar archive
8th April - Unprivating the blog

7th April - Edited post in Personal Blog Entry
7th April - Added new background image without 'magiccolumn' and Haruka-chan :(
7th April - Redoing Background due to cross-browser issues and screen sizes
6th April - Added more 'addthis' button.
6th April - Changed Twitter description in Contact ME
6th April - Changed the Contact Me shoutbox color
6th April - Color and style change for Personal Blog Entry
6th April - Fixed the banner in 'Link to me' for Chrome browser
5th April - Added 'Version 7.0' to the banner
5th April - Fixing Wallpaper

5th April - Modifying the Random Quotes Bar for better view
4th April - Adding Konami Code
3rd April - New blog template's main look completed
2nd April - Blog is now on version 7.0! :D
27th Feb - Did a revamp on the blog. :)

Disappointment | No new releases but...

I was disappointed with my Flash class.
Today lesson was titled: "Animation and Drawing". So what we have done is basically create a animation with out own drawing. The drawing doesn't mean pencil and paper but using shapes, pen, pencil and line tools to draw what we want to achieve. So this is what i have done.

The only thing that interesting in the class is the nested symbol and the pen tool. I have also learnt how to create a vector from an image. As you can see from the flash video above, the logo of the bottle is actually a vector from image.

Dragonball Kai is back and the battle of Cell and Goku in the Cell game is finally starting. Currently, it's Cell vs Goku. We will see the winner of the match at a later episode.

Fairy Tail is back as well, with Natsu fighting Cobra. However, due to the fact that Cobra can 'hear' Natsu movement, he hasn't been successful in executing a punch onto Cobra. The story moves on to find out that Cobra is actually an artificial Dragon Slayer just like Luxus. In Cobra case, he is a Poison Dragon Slayer. Natsu was losing the battle and Cobra grabbed Natsu and tried to finish him off. Then, Natsu made a roar much like a dragon's and that made Cobra death as he was in point blank distance. Cobra was later unconscious which means Natsu have won. Quite a lame outcome for an awesome matchup. The new OP and ED of Fairy Tail wasn't that nice. I liked the previous versions more. The OP is still acceptable.

Star Driver came back reaching one of its climax. With the Ayingott revived, Kiraboshi sets to find out the identity of the West Miko. [Ayingott special ability, the eyes on the body is able to see that] But nevertheless, Takuto won as usual. We are also shown the fact that Marino and Mizuno may actually be the same person, or Marino may never have existed at all. The new opening was great too!

[Image Source]



Edited:27th February 2012 
Reason:Revamping Blog

[Osusume PV]
Kenshi Yonezu - Eine Kleine
Blog Owner's Comment: Coming Soon!
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