Funan Anime Matsuri 2014 (FAM)
Posted by
7/06/2014 04:00:00 PM
Konnichiwa! Today I will be doing an entry about Funan Anime Matsuri that happened around 3 weeks ago. Sorry that i didnt had the time to do all these until now. I really couldnt find the time to with the limited time i have. Oh well, let's just begin.
ANIME FESTIVAL 2013 [Sorry about the huge delay]
Posted by
6/15/2014 04:38:00 PM
えっと。。。It's been a really long time since i last disappeared without a notice. A lot happened and i just couldnt find the time nor have any energy in me to make an entry. The purpose of today's entry is rather awkward due to the huge delay as it is about last year's AFA. Had a really great time then but right after it, things got really busy for me.
[Announced] Anime Festival Asia 13
Posted by
6/09/2013 08:23:00 PM
Last post for the week is none other then Anime Festival Asia 13!! It has finally been announced. This year, it will be held on the new Suntec International Exhibition and Convention Center on the 8th, 9th and 10th November 2013!
[NEW!] Vocaloid Corner~
Posted by
6/09/2013 08:22:00 PM

Sunny Day @ The Central
Posted by
6/09/2013 08:21:00 PM

Funan Anime Matsuri (FAM)
Posted by
6/09/2013 08:20:00 PM

New Display Pictures as Promised~
Posted by
5/12/2013 06:55:00 PM
Hello. Sorry for only coming up with just 5 display pictures for a span of 2 weeks. I was busy fixing the profile page on the first week and didnt have much time on the 2nd. I have however planned on making a new banner for the blog and if possible, a new layout.
Back(?) with some goodies to share~
Posted by
4/28/2013 04:08:00 PM
HELLLO! Hisashiburi desu ne!! It's been so long since I get a chance to post here! Well, I just passed out from basic military training a few weeks before and currently on my vocational course training.
Blog is going on a long Hiatus!
Posted by
12/11/2012 03:38:00 PM
Konnichiwa! Today will probably be my last blog entry for a long long time. As mentioned on my previous blog entries, the purpose of this post would be to notify future visitors to the blog that it is currently on a hiatus and that there will not be new entries coming anytime soon. But no worries, the blog is still operational as I will not be taking it down or privatizing it during the period.
Anime Festival Asia 2012
Posted by
11/25/2012 10:35:00 PM
Konnichiwa~ It's me again! As mentioned in the previous blog entry, this post will be mainly photos of my AFA12 adventures~ So let's just start the ball rolling~ Enjoy!
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