
Announcement | Updates

3rd May - Creating new blog skin(May take some time, although mostly done)

28th April - Changing Gallery's layout with JavaScript
18th April - Adding "Ichiban Suki na Anime to Geemu Kyara! (>/////<)" to My Profile
18th April - Replaced old "My Anime Wishlist! :P" in My Profile

23rd September - Relocated random character catch phrases
16th June - Plans to relocate and redesign the top marquee
14th June - Fixing blog's meta description on search engine
31st May - Removed Poll
29th April - Adding Poll on sidebar
26th April - Fixing blog archive calender
8th April - Trying to figure out how to prevent the Google 'zx=' parameter from loading into the URL
8th April - Styling calendar archive
8th April - Unprivating the blog

7th April - Edited post in Personal Blog Entry
7th April - Added new background image without 'magiccolumn' and Haruka-chan :(
7th April - Redoing Background due to cross-browser issues and screen sizes
6th April - Added more 'addthis' button.
6th April - Changed Twitter description in Contact ME
6th April - Changed the Contact Me shoutbox color
6th April - Color and style change for Personal Blog Entry
6th April - Fixed the banner in 'Link to me' for Chrome browser
5th April - Added 'Version 7.0' to the banner
5th April - Fixing Wallpaper

5th April - Modifying the Random Quotes Bar for better view
4th April - Adding Konami Code
3rd April - New blog template's main look completed
2nd April - Blog is now on version 7.0! :D
27th Feb - Did a revamp on the blog. :)

Back(?) with some goodies to share~

HELLLO! Hisashiburi desu ne!! It's been so long since I get a chance to post here! Well, I just passed out from basic military training a few weeks before and currently on my vocational course training. 

My schedule are still as tight as before, but even so, physical stress level did decrease a lot as compared to previously. My vocation is more of mental stress, which i am already used to them in all my study years. So the thing is that I feel the less physical stress should make me feel less tired especially during night. This means that my "working" hours will be longer and will have the time needed to prepare for a blog entry~

During my 7 days block leave, I have revamped the 'my profile' page a little if you did notice. since I am already doing some icon for the new section, i was thinking, why not further modifying them to become display pictures! So, here they are, the new display pictures done by me. But before I post them out, some of the icons aren't really suited to be edited any further so they are not included in the post.

Here are the 23 of them which I have done.

The display pictures are 200px in size except the last 5 which are of 100px in size. Reason because I lost the original layer before resizing them as icons for the new section, therefore unable to revert back. I do apologize if some of them are not as well made as others. I have just started to try out a new technique in making the graphics. Tell me at the "contacts" page if you have any suggestions to improve the quality of work. I will try to inbuilt them in my future work if applicable. :)

For now, I will be either making a blog entry weekly or once per 2 weeks. As I am still adding content to the new section, they will most likely be graphical posts. I will be adding them to the Gallery section within the hour.


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[Osusume PV]
Kenshi Yonezu - Eine Kleine
Blog Owner's Comment: Coming Soon!
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