Anyway, I've changed my Facebook avatar to this!
I wanted to use the Chopper one but I just couldn't resist the awesomeness of Sogeking!
My favourite character of One Piece is acutally Usopp and Chopper! ;) I find them the more interesting character in the entire StrawHat crew.
I watched Shakugan no Shana S today. There are currently only 3 episode. I have no idea what was going on after the first episode. The second did help but it was still boring. However, after the third I kind of developed an interest and can't wait for the release of the next episode.
I saw an announcement of the unaired episode 7.5 of Sora no Woto streamed on its homepage. I went to watch it but... it was only half an episode. I really need an ending.
Lastly, after that, i found a 7 part Movie Sequence called Kara no Kyoukai. I have currently completed 2 episode and it is very well done. It is a Horror and Mystery Anime with themes of Supernatural and Psychological and a little Romance included.
Which means... However, do note that the episode are not sorted out chronologically, meaning it is something like Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu. And there is actually slight mature elements as mentioned from AnimeNewsNetwork, so stay away kids!
Edited:27th February 2012
Reason:Revamping Blog