Today is the birthday of one of my current favorite Japanese female-band's member. Her name is Mei Shyoji and the group i am talking about is Tokyo Girls Style.
The group consist of Ayano Konishi, Miyu Yamabe, Hitomi Arai, Yuri Nakae, and Mei Shyoji. The average age of the group is 12. Such a young group isn't it?
I dont really want to compare them but Mei is my favorite in the band. She so adorable and attractive. :)
The group consist of Ayano Konishi, Miyu Yamabe, Hitomi Arai, Yuri Nakae, and Mei Shyoji. The average age of the group is 12. Such a young group isn't it?
I dont really want to compare them but Mei is my favorite in the band. She so adorable and attractive. :)
Anyway, Today is the 13th birthday of Mei Shyoji so, I shall wish her a very happy birthday!
~ H a p p y B i r t h d a y M e i S h y o j i ! ! ! ~
Next, it's about the Anime i watched today. It is Amagami SS.

It is a Romance Anime and you can say that it is somewhat harem. According to sources, it is based on a Dating-Sims game for PS2 called Amagami. In today's episode, the protagonist, Junichi was rejected in the first episode. Pretty intense i see. :) Such a poor guy. And guess what, he got rejected not once but twice! SO very sad for him. He owns a "wardrobe planetarium" which is so damn cool! Maybe is should copy him, if only i have a wardrobe stable and big enough for me to sleep in.
Next, it's about the Anime i watched today. It is Amagami SS.

It is a Romance Anime and you can say that it is somewhat harem. According to sources, it is based on a Dating-Sims game for PS2 called Amagami. In today's episode, the protagonist, Junichi was rejected in the first episode. Pretty intense i see. :) Such a poor guy. And guess what, he got rejected not once but twice! SO very sad for him. He owns a "wardrobe planetarium" which is so damn cool! Maybe is should copy him, if only i have a wardrobe stable and big enough for me to sleep in.
Lastly, I shall wish Mei-chan a very happy birthday yet again! (^_^)
Edited:27th February 2012
Reason:Revamping Blog