I am currently watching Romeo x Juliet. Every episode gets so much better. It is saddening at certain times, filled with happiness in other, trilling yet warmth...
To summarize it up to episode 7, i would say, brilliant! The first 2 episode may be a little hard to understand but once your reach the 3rd, things starts to get interesting. And at episode 5, you won't be able to stop. It is definitely a show worth recommending.
Star Driver this week is quite decent. The star swords looks cool especially the dual sword. Oh by the way, it is currently on the "Adult Bank arc"

I do however have to comment on this one character, Seolla Schweizer.
She is a girl who graduated from "The School".
Somehow it seems similar to the case in Gundam Seed where there are the Naturals and those that are "artificially" created... (i have forgotten what they are called)

And the reason for Specially commenting on her?
Well, She's Cute!!! :3 And it makes my moe antenna tingle every times...
Best of all, she have the kind of hair color i loved the most!!! Colors which are close to white or white itself!
I love anime characters with those kinds of hair colors..
In this case, she and Latune are like the case of Athrun and Kira in Gundam Seed.
Dragonball Kai was excellent! Vegeta who have finally came out after training in the Time and something room went after Cell as expected. His new power level and Cell's are like ant and elephant and of course, Cell is the ant in the case. Goku and Gohan have just entered that room to train as well.
Milky Holmes this week can be summarize with the word "Friendship". It basically talks about the Milk Holmes' bonds with each others, with the help of a cat named Fish Paste... If i were a cat, i will probably laugh at that name. I mean, Cats eats Fish, so the cat is named after its food... Pretty ironic i would say. But anyway, it is still a nice name!
In Oreimo, If i were a female and an Imouto as well, I will definitely want an Aniki like that who will take the blame for something i did even when knowing that the consequences is extreme. You can't find such warmth nowadays. It's really almost impossible...
Shinrei Tentai Yakumo was another heartfelt anime today. It is about a request to investigate a missing boy who was actually strangled to death after being knocked down by a car. And i pitied the boy as well as Yakumo. I mean, if you could see restless spirits like that of the boy and when they are in trouble, all you can do is just watch and nothing else. It is gonna be a painful thing...
Also, Fairy Tail is in Filler?
Edited:27th February 2012
Reason:Revamping Blog