Arashi no Yoru ni: Himitsu no Tomodachi
Like I said before, this series isn't bad, but unfortunately I have no time for it, so it was dropped. Will watched the movie version instead because except that I have no time for the series, the ending theme performed in the movie by Greeeen is way more suitable for this series.
Opening Theme: 「Friendship Birthday - Arashi no Yoru ni」 performed by Sea☆A (SEA band)
Comments: Won't comment much because of reasons mentioned in the previous post. But to tell the truth, I will never like the song, perhaps it might be a different case with a different artiste/band performing it, i don't know.
Ending Theme: 「Dear My Friend」 performed by U-KISS (Korean Band)
Opening Theme: 「Friendship Birthday - Arashi no Yoru ni」 performed by Sea☆A (SEA band)
Comments: Won't comment much because of reasons mentioned in the previous post. But to tell the truth, I will never like the song, perhaps it might be a different case with a different artiste/band performing it, i don't know.
Ending Theme: 「Dear My Friend」 performed by U-KISS (Korean Band)
Comments: Won't comment much for the same reason and sorry but I can't find the full version. I don't know about you, but I dropped this song when I hear it for the first 5 seconds.
Comments: Won't comment much for the same reason and sorry but I can't find the full version. I don't know about you, but I dropped this song when I hear it for the first 5 seconds.
Kuromajyo-san ga Tooru!!
Not really a good series, but it is definitely not a bad one. If you like a change of pace from all the actions/plot twists, you can try this series. It's also only 7mins in total (~1min or the OP, ~1min for the usual introduction, basically 3-5min of content left.).
Opening Theme: 「Doki Doki Shichau no Oh Yeah!」 performed by Ayumu Shinga
Source: http://www.bilibili.tv/video/av242538/
Comments: Full version not out yet, can't embed the video. Can't really tell if this song is any good because it is only about 30 seconds. Based on just the 30 seconds, I would say that it is below average, probably the full version will get repetitive lyrics. There is also no Ending Theme for the series.
Not really a good series, but it is definitely not a bad one. If you like a change of pace from all the actions/plot twists, you can try this series. It's also only 7mins in total (~1min or the OP, ~1min for the usual introduction, basically 3-5min of content left.).
Opening Theme: 「Doki Doki Shichau no Oh Yeah!」 performed by Ayumu Shinga
Source: http://www.bilibili.tv/video/av242538/
Comments: Full version not out yet, can't embed the video. Can't really tell if this song is any good because it is only about 30 seconds. Based on just the 30 seconds, I would say that it is below average, probably the full version will get repetitive lyrics. There is also no Ending Theme for the series.
Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? OF THE DEAD
The series ended abruptly at episode 10! Not sure what will happen from now, but I am definitely not happy that my weekly dose of Eu-chan-tachi is shortened by 2 weeks. Overall, I would still give it a high rating of course. :)
Opening Theme: 「*** Passionate」 performed by Iori Nomizu
The series ended abruptly at episode 10! Not sure what will happen from now, but I am definitely not happy that my weekly dose of Eu-chan-tachi is shortened by 2 weeks. Overall, I would still give it a high rating of course. :)
Opening Theme: 「*** Passionate」 performed by Iori Nomizu
Comments: WHY!? Why did they choose Iori Nomizu(Haruna) to perform the OP!? In my opinion, she can't really sing. If you realized it, the whole song was sang in a single tone. They should have choose to use all the female seiyuu(maybe except Eu, though I would really love it if it happened, somehow) for the OP like in other series. I don't dislike Haruna. In fact, this is by far the only series I can say that I am "in love" with all the girls and their seiyuu have did a very good job. I know I may get flamed for the above but really, that is just my opinion.
Ending Theme: 「Koi no Beginner Nan Desu (T_T)」 performed by Rie Yamaguchi
Comments: I love this Ending! I love the lyrics! Especially at the "...Nan Desu" part. It is in my playlist and I do not intend to remove it anytime soon nor in the future, probably. Though, I still prefer the ED of the first season, just a particular part.
Lupin the Third: Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna
An oldie Anime. Might watch it if I had watched the previous season. Also, I heard that this season contains nudity which the series never did have. I just checked the OP and seems like that news is definitely real. To tell the truth, I have totally no idea what the series is about? From the art I am guessing it is about detectives?
Opening Theme: 「New Wuthering Heights」 performed by Naruyoshi Kikuchi y Pepe Tormento Azcarar feat. Ichiko
Source (WARNING: NSFW Scenes in Animation)
Comments: In case you did not see the NSFW caption, this video is NSFW. And there is most definitely no full version, because this is not even a song. The other series that I can remember not having a "real" OP would be R.O.D which isquite an underrated series.
Ending Theme: 「Duty Friend」 performed by NIKIIE
Opening Theme: 「New Wuthering Heights」 performed by Naruyoshi Kikuchi y Pepe Tormento Azcarar feat. Ichiko
Source (WARNING: NSFW Scenes in Animation)
Comments: In case you did not see the NSFW caption, this video is NSFW. And there is most definitely no full version, because this is not even a song. The other series that I can remember not having a "real" OP would be R.O.D which isquite an underrated series.
Ending Theme: 「Duty Friend」 performed by NIKIIE
Comments:This is not my genre. Didn't research on her much but she doesn't sound fully like a Japanese(her pronunciation has this English speaking man's accent) and she doesn't look like a pure Japanese either. Is she a mix-blood? Her voice is nice and I think she performed this song quite well, though it is not my cup of tea.
Edit: Full video got removed, sorry. I wrote this post part by part so if any other goes down, I am sorry.
Click here if you have trouble viewing the video
Click here if you have trouble viewing the video
Comments:This is not my genre. Didn't research on her much but she doesn't sound fully like a Japanese(her pronunciation has this English speaking man's accent) and she doesn't look like a pure Japanese either. Is she a mix-blood? Her voice is nice and I think she performed this song quite well, though it is not my cup of tea.
Edit: Full video got removed, sorry. I wrote this post part by part so if any other goes down, I am sorry.
Medaka Box
I don't know about the Manga, but from what I have experience from the Anime as compared to what I have heard about the beginning of the Manga, I wonder why in the world did this series get animated. I find it too "restrictive" using only the school as setting. The actions in the Anime is not good at all. Medaka had been depicted too overwhelmingly. If that's the case, then there is no point in the series anymore. Anyway, some joy for fans of the series. It have gotten itself a Second Season Green-lit!
Opening Theme: 「HAPPY CRAZY BOX」 performed by Minami Kuribayashi
I don't know about the Manga, but from what I have experience from the Anime as compared to what I have heard about the beginning of the Manga, I wonder why in the world did this series get animated. I find it too "restrictive" using only the school as setting. The actions in the Anime is not good at all. Medaka had been depicted too overwhelmingly. If that's the case, then there is no point in the series anymore. Anyway, some joy for fans of the series. It have gotten itself a Second Season Green-lit!
Opening Theme: 「HAPPY CRAZY BOX」 performed by Minami Kuribayashi
Click here if you have trouble viewing the video
Comments: Not a bad song, not a very good one either. An average one I would say. Doesn't have the Medaka Box feel for an OP. I prefer the Ending much more.
Ending Theme: 「Ohanabatake ni Tsuretette」 performed by Aki Toyosaki
Click here if you have trouble viewing the video
Comments: Aki Toyosaki is just amazing! Sasuga Sphere no Ichinin(As expected from a member of Sphere). Sorry but I had trouble finding the full version. All the videos got removed. The full version is definitely worth your time if you can find it. This song is also in my playlist and you can say that I am addicted to it. The best part of the song is the beginning of the song, where there is a variation of volume of the guitar
Edit: The video got removed but I found a full version. It will probably get removed soon
Ending Theme 2: 「Grizzly-san no G★ROCK」 performed by Yuuichi Nakamura
Edit: The video got removed but I found a full version. It will probably get removed soon
Shirokuma Cafe
I have dropped the series as mentioned in the previous impression posts. After that, I have heard both really good comments and really bad ones about it. However, I have still decided to keep my previous decision. Also, it have been announced that the Mangaka of the original manga have decided to go on an indefinite hiatus over some contract and intellectual property issues. You can read more at AnimeNewsNetwork.
Opening Theme: 「Boku ni Invitation」 performed by JP
Comments: DAT ELECTRO! Still prefer Perfume's electro-style though. It is more 'cute'. Don't quite like this electro but this is not bad. Though I really think it doesn't suit the anime even when the lyrics is made for the series. Also, it gets really repetitive.
Ending Theme 1: 「Bamboo☆Scramble」 performed by Jun Fukuyama
Opening Theme: 「Boku ni Invitation」 performed by JP
Comments: DAT ELECTRO! Still prefer Perfume's electro-style though. It is more 'cute'. Don't quite like this electro but this is not bad. Though I really think it doesn't suit the anime even when the lyrics is made for the series. Also, it gets really repetitive.
Ending Theme 1: 「Bamboo☆Scramble」 performed by Jun Fukuyama
Comments: "JOKE!" is what I first thought when I hear it. After listening for awhile more, I realize this is probably a Character Song. And that basically explained why! Character Songs are hardly any good. Probably only about 40% of them are worth it and 5% of the worthy are really good ones.
Comments: "JOKE!" is what I first thought when I hear it. After listening for awhile more, I realize this is probably a Character Song. And that basically explained why! Character Songs are hardly any good. Probably only about 40% of them are worth it and 5% of the worthy are really good ones.
Ending Theme 2: 「Grizzly-san no G★ROCK」 performed by Yuuichi Nakamura
Comments: Full version will be out on 18th July. Note that the video is black throughout the song. Not bad for a character song, but there are better ones. This is probably one of those lingering between the 40% and the 60% mark.
Ending Theme 3: 「Mizuiro」 performed by Aya Endo
Source: http://kannmuri.tumblr.com/post/25741756080
Comments: Full version will be out on 18th July. Note that the video is black throughout the song. Not bad for a character song, but there are better ones. This is probably one of those lingering between the 40% and the 60% mark.
Ending Theme 3: 「Mizuiro」 performed by Aya Endo
Source: http://kannmuri.tumblr.com/post/25741756080
Comments:You really need to thank me for digging out this music clip and thank the poster for posting this because there is literally no available source for it! This is what I call the good character songs. This is a really sweet song. If you watch this with the ED animation in the series, it will be totally perfect! How I wish I could find a video of it. I only previewed the screen shots unfortunately. :(
Ending Theme 4: 「ZOO tto ne!」 performed by Katsuyuki Konishi
Ending Theme 4: 「ZOO tto ne!」 performed by Katsuyuki Konishi
Source: None
Comments:If I am not wrong, this will be the new ending of the song probably this week or the next. Not really sure who the singer/voice actor is, but the song title has a good pun! It changed Zutto into Zoo-tto which have a similar pronunciation.
Comments:If I am not wrong, this will be the new ending of the song probably this week or the next. Not really sure who the singer/voice actor is, but the song title has a good pun! It changed Zutto into Zoo-tto which have a similar pronunciation.
Recorder to Randoseru Re♪
You have got to watch this! It will not be surprising if this gets animated into a full length series in the future. This is the 2nd season of the series and it continues with the daily life of the overgrown elementary school kid, Atsushi and her underdeveloped highschool sister, Atsumi. This series is really worth your 3mins and I bet you will complain for more. Three minutes won't hurt you so give it a try and you will be amazed.
Ending Theme: 「Stare」 performed by Paprika
Ending Theme: 「Stare」 performed by Paprika
Comments: There is somehow a slight difference between the vocal of the TV version and the full version. Not sure why the difference but I do prefer the TV version slightly more. You should try the TV version too at YouTube.
Acchi Kocchi
Love moe!? THEN WATCH THIS!! If you are not a moe or slice of like hater, you will definitely be in love with the series. I had so much fun watching each and every episode every week!
Opening Theme: 「Acchi de Kocchi de」 performed by Acchi⇔Kocchi
Comments: Not a bad one but I prefer the ending. And I love how naive Hime-chan is. This song is performed by Acchi⇔Kocchi, who are actually none other than the main seiyuu cast, but i am sure you already knew that.
Ending Theme: 「Te o Gyuushite ne」 performed by Rumi Ookubo
Opening Theme: 「Acchi de Kocchi de」 performed by Acchi⇔Kocchi
Comments: Not a bad one but I prefer the ending. And I love how naive Hime-chan is. This song is performed by Acchi⇔Kocchi, who are actually none other than the main seiyuu cast, but i am sure you already knew that.
Ending Theme: 「Te o Gyuushite ne」 performed by Rumi Ookubo
Comments:Can't find the full version. Sorry. :< This is really really cute! It is performed by the seiyuu of Tsumiki Miniwa. If I am not wrong, Rumi Ookubo is a new seiyuu that have just started not so long back in 2011. She seems to be promising as seen from the series. She expressed Tsumiki with near perfection. Would love to hear more of her.
Comments:Can't find the full version. Sorry. :< This is really really cute! It is performed by the seiyuu of Tsumiki Miniwa. If I am not wrong, Rumi Ookubo is a new seiyuu that have just started not so long back in 2011. She seems to be promising as seen from the series. She expressed Tsumiki with near perfection. Would love to hear more of her.
Sengoku Collection
I actually wanted to watch this! But due to my really packed schedule, I had to give it up. Not sure if it is any good but since I have not heard anything bad about it, I suppose this is watchable!
Opening Theme: 「Me o Toshite Gyusshi yo」 performed by ABCHO
I actually wanted to watch this! But due to my really packed schedule, I had to give it up. Not sure if it is any good but since I have not heard anything bad about it, I suppose this is watchable!
Opening Theme: 「Me o Toshite Gyusshi yo」 performed by ABCHO
Comments: New band? Anyway, how do you pronounce ABCHO? Is is pronounced as "A, B, C, Ho" or is there really a pronunciation for it? This song is quite fast paced. Not really my cup of tea as I don't quite like their vocal especially at the shouting part. Don't mind my opinion as this is really not a bad song.
Ending Theme: 「UNLUCKY GIRL!!」 performed by Sweety
Click here if you have trouble watching the video
Comments: Oh my god! I really love this somehow! The piano, the voice, the tempo, I love everything about this song. Though I wouldn't rate it highly because I believe there will be people who dislike such songs. Probably not more than a 7 for it.
Comments: Oh my god! I really love this somehow! The piano, the voice, the tempo, I love everything about this song. Though I wouldn't rate it highly because I believe there will be people who dislike such songs. Probably not more than a 7 for it.
Sankarea had just ended. I had no idea that was the ending until I saw information about the end. Personally it was not bad, but I felt something missing from the TV animation whenever i watch it. Would be good if it had continued or a 2nd season to showcase what happen to Furuya's mum.
Opening Theme: 「Esoragoto」 performed by nano.RIPE
Comments: Too much nano.RIPE these days. When they first performed the Hanasaku Iroha's Opening theme song, it was so awesome. However, ever since Hanasaku Iroha, their song is in every anime season. Even though this is a good song, I am actually getting sick of it without even listening to it for a month. Too much of a good thing isn't always good. :( Hopefully no more nano.RIPE for at least this summer. Let me have a chance to reset my ear drums to enjoy their wonderful song please.
Comments: This song is much much too slow for me. However, I still feel that it is a good song. With such slow tempo, the song should be reduce to about 3-4 instead. Five minutes is just too long for a slow song.
Opening Theme: 「Esoragoto」 performed by nano.RIPE
Comments: Too much nano.RIPE these days. When they first performed the Hanasaku Iroha's Opening theme song, it was so awesome. However, ever since Hanasaku Iroha, their song is in every anime season. Even though this is a good song, I am actually getting sick of it without even listening to it for a month. Too much of a good thing isn't always good. :( Hopefully no more nano.RIPE for at least this summer. Let me have a chance to reset my ear drums to enjoy their wonderful song please.
Ending Theme: 「Above Your Hand」 performed by Annabel
Comments: This song is much much too slow for me. However, I still feel that it is a good song. With such slow tempo, the song should be reduce to about 3-4 instead. Five minutes is just too long for a slow song.
Natsuiro Kiseki
Forgotten which episode was it but that was when this series starts to go downhill. The animation all of a sudden got so horrible in that episode. The plot started to become staled since that episode. The ending was really a slightly below average series ending. I have expected much more.
Opening Theme: 「Non stop road」 performed by Sphere
Comments:Sphere! What more do I need to say? If it wasn't for them, I could have sworn i'd drop the show right where it started to sink. Anyway, I personally prefer the Ending Theme. I find the Opening Theme not bad but slightly repetitive.
Ending Theme 1: 「Ashita e no Kaerimichi」 performed by Sphere
Opening Theme: 「Non stop road」 performed by Sphere
Comments:Sphere! What more do I need to say? If it wasn't for them, I could have sworn i'd drop the show right where it started to sink. Anyway, I personally prefer the Ending Theme. I find the Opening Theme not bad but slightly repetitive.
Ending Theme 1: 「Ashita e no Kaerimichi」 performed by Sphere
Comments:Really love this song! I think it is one of my favorite in the Spring'12 season. The lyrics is beautiful, though saddening at the same time. I personally love how they got their own individual part in the song unlike some of their previous ones where from the start to the end, there were not a single second of solo time. This song is currently in my playlist by the way, and I will probably not have any intention to remove it.
Comments:Really love this song! I think it is one of my favorite in the Spring'12 season. The lyrics is beautiful, though saddening at the same time. I personally love how they got their own individual part in the song unlike some of their previous ones where from the start to the end, there were not a single second of solo time. This song is currently in my playlist by the way, and I will probably not have any intention to remove it.
Himitsukessha Taka no Tsume NEO
Not sure what is this but there is no information about the ED/OP of this series even if there is one. Therefore I will be skipping it. Will be skipping it.
Not sure what is this but there is no information about the ED/OP of this series even if there is one. Therefore I will be skipping it. Will be skipping it.
Accel World
One of my favouite anime this spring and probably yours too. For the fans of this series who are owners of a PSP, they will be releasing a game one it(CAN't WAIT!!) about a year later. xP (WUT!? A YEAR LATER!? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!) One of my friend mentioned that it may get platform-shifted into a PSVita release since PSVita is starting to gain popularity and Sony will start killing PSP soon.
Opening Theme 1: 「Chase the world」 performed by May'n
Comments: This is currently my favourite May'n's song. Though that saying, I don't listen to May'n song much. xD Personally I feel that it really have the "Acceleration" theme. May'n did a good job in performing this OP them like she always did. :D
Opening Theme 2: 「Burst The Gravity」 performed by ALTIMA
Comments: This is the new Opening Theme used just recently for the series! I may need more time to get this song into my mind to do a better commentary, but for now, this song has the usual ALTIMA's style of music. I personally believe that they will be the new era's High and Mighty Colors in terms of performing of anime's theme songs. I still however prefer Opening 1 by May'n a little more.
Ending Theme 1: 「→unfinished→」 performed by KOTOKO
Opening Theme 1: 「Chase the world」 performed by May'n
Comments: This is currently my favourite May'n's song. Though that saying, I don't listen to May'n song much. xD Personally I feel that it really have the "Acceleration" theme. May'n did a good job in performing this OP them like she always did. :D
Opening Theme 2: 「Burst The Gravity」 performed by ALTIMA
Comments: This is the new Opening Theme used just recently for the series! I may need more time to get this song into my mind to do a better commentary, but for now, this song has the usual ALTIMA's style of music. I personally believe that they will be the new era's High and Mighty Colors in terms of performing of anime's theme songs. I still however prefer Opening 1 by May'n a little more.
Ending Theme 1: 「→unfinished→」 performed by KOTOKO
Comments: This is definitely one of the best songs by KOTOKO! I personally loves the small pause in the music during the beginning of the TV sized version. This song is just so fitting for the series that I have nothing more to comment about anymore! Tonikaku Sugoi desu! (^_^)
Ending Theme 2: 「Unite」 performed by Sachika Misawa
Comments: This is definitely one of the best songs by KOTOKO! I personally loves the small pause in the music during the beginning of the TV sized version. This song is just so fitting for the series that I have nothing more to comment about anymore! Tonikaku Sugoi desu! (^_^)
Ending Theme 2: 「Unite」 performed by Sachika Misawa
Comments:Never did thought Accel World will do the "Seiyuu's Ending" thing. Anyway, Sachika Misawa-san is the Voice Actress of none other than Kuroyukihime. Would be good if they do a Chiyuri one, since she is my favourite in the series xD and Aki Toyosaki is a capable singer as well. However, I feel that it does not fit into the "Acceleration" theme of the series. :(
Comments:Never did thought Accel World will do the "Seiyuu's Ending" thing. Anyway, Sachika Misawa-san is the Voice Actress of none other than Kuroyukihime. Would be good if they do a Chiyuri one, since she is my favourite in the series xD and Aki Toyosaki is a capable singer as well. However, I feel that it does not fit into the "Acceleration" theme of the series. :(
Baku Tech! Bakugan
No information regarding the Opening nor the Ending Theme Song could be found, so I am guessing there isn't one. Therefore, I will be skipping it.
No information regarding the Opening nor the Ending Theme Song could be found, so I am guessing there isn't one. Therefore, I will be skipping it.
Jewelpet Kira☆Deco—!
Is this related to Tamagocchi? No I am serious! Not insulting or whatsoever, but The name 'Jewelpet' somehows relates me back to Tamagocchi. I miss that era where everyone would own one digital pet. Is this about digital pet as well? I have not watch this series, but if it is I might...
Opening Theme: 「Happy Lucky☆Go!」 performed by Mana Ashida
Comments: I can't find the full version. If you know who the singer is, she is awesome! At such a young age, I can safely say that she is almost as famous as some artistes that have debut for more than 10 years. Personally I don't like this song. Kind of have an "out of tune" melody. No idea why. lol.
Ending: 「Zutto Zutto Tomodachi」 performed by Mana Ashida
Opening Theme: 「Happy Lucky☆Go!」 performed by Mana Ashida
Comments: I can't find the full version. If you know who the singer is, she is awesome! At such a young age, I can safely say that she is almost as famous as some artistes that have debut for more than 10 years. Personally I don't like this song. Kind of have an "out of tune" melody. No idea why. lol.
Ending: 「Zutto Zutto Tomodachi」 performed by Mana Ashida
Comments:This is the good one! Heard it on the Oricon Chart few weeks back. I could have sworn this song deserves a higher placing than MANY OF THE top positions. Oh well, fan base is a crucial thing in this industry. Anyway, the only thing I feel that is disappointing is her "sore" voice. I don't think she had this during "Maru Maru Mori Mori".
Comments:This is the good one! Heard it on the Oricon Chart few weeks back. I could have sworn this song deserves a higher placing than MANY OF THE top positions. Oh well, fan base is a crucial thing in this industry. Anyway, the only thing I feel that is disappointing is her "sore" voice. I don't think she had this during "Maru Maru Mori Mori".
Pretty Rhythm: Dear My Future
When will this series end!! I watched the first generation dubbed version in a local television channel and seriously, how can this last that long. It is like 10/10 episode they are doing the same things. Then again, I know this series is quite famous among the younger females(and some groups of creepy otakus), so perhaps that's why.
Opening Theme: 「Dear My Future ~Mirai no Jibun e~」 performed by Prizmmy☆
When will this series end!! I watched the first generation dubbed version in a local television channel and seriously, how can this last that long. It is like 10/10 episode they are doing the same things. Then again, I know this series is quite famous among the younger females(and some groups of creepy otakus), so perhaps that's why.
Opening Theme: 「Dear My Future ~Mirai no Jibun e~」 performed by Prizmmy☆
Comments: Never heard of them before, though judging by their photos, I believe they are very young? In that case, their voice is just brilliant. They sound so much more mature than their age. Have taken quite a liking to this song for now. Not sure about the future.
Ending Theme: 「my Transform」 performed by Prizmmy☆
Comments:Wow. So they not only can sing, but dance too!? Might 'research' on them a little when I am free. Anyway, this is not a bad song as well.
Opening Theme: 「I.N.G.」 performed by sweet ARMS
Fushigi no Umi no Nadia - Digital Remastered
Did not watch the series, therefore unable to determine whether a new Theme Song has been used for it. If there isn't one, then I won't be commenting it as the songs are "old".
For the fans of this series, if you have not heard about it yet, there is an OVA of this series on the making. As it is an ONA series, there might also have a small possibility that it will get animated into a full fledged TV series. After years of watching anime, I can say that the OVA probably will not be plot-wise(not that the series has much in the first place. LOL) but 'service' wise. And like usual fan service OVA, there will be no any sort of censoring. So an advance NSFW warning to you peeps and perverts out there.
For the fans of this series, if you have not heard about it yet, there is an OVA of this series on the making. As it is an ONA series, there might also have a small possibility that it will get animated into a full fledged TV series. After years of watching anime, I can say that the OVA probably will not be plot-wise(not that the series has much in the first place. LOL) but 'service' wise. And like usual fan service OVA, there will be no any sort of censoring. So an advance NSFW warning to you peeps and perverts out there.
Opening Theme: 「I.N.G.」 performed by sweet ARMS
Comments: sweet ARMS is none other than the main seiyuu cast if you didn't already knew that. Why "sweet ARMS"? If you ask me, I am guessing because they will be the sweetest and cutest armament you will ever find if they were real. Personally I don't dislike the song but I feel that it too fails to match the series' theme.
Ending Theme: 「Himekuri」 performed by Kaori Sadohara
Comments: Kaori Sadohara is also the seiyuu of SG550 aka Sig. As to why they pick Sig for the Ending Theme and not Funkko(FNC), you have to ask the sound manager or whatever you call that. Again, i dont dislike(infact quite liked the song) the song but it still did not managed to fit in with the series.
Sorry for the long delay. I didn't have much time to write the post except maybe like 1 hr before I turn off for the day. For the next post, I will try my very best to complete it as the summer season's anime has already started. And I still have to do the first impression. Lastly, something about the new season. After some analyzing, this season's anime will be mainly focusing on Romance and Fantasy followed by 'ecchi' and then supernatural(no horrors unfortunately).
I will be updating my watchlist on the main page whenever I am free and those will be the one I'd do a review on.
I will be updating my watchlist on the main page whenever I am free and those will be the one I'd do a review on.
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