
Announcement | Updates

3rd May - Creating new blog skin(May take some time, although mostly done)

28th April - Changing Gallery's layout with JavaScript
18th April - Adding "Ichiban Suki na Anime to Geemu Kyara! (>/////<)" to My Profile
18th April - Replaced old "My Anime Wishlist! :P" in My Profile

23rd September - Relocated random character catch phrases
16th June - Plans to relocate and redesign the top marquee
14th June - Fixing blog's meta description on search engine
31st May - Removed Poll
29th April - Adding Poll on sidebar
26th April - Fixing blog archive calender
8th April - Trying to figure out how to prevent the Google 'zx=' parameter from loading into the URL
8th April - Styling calendar archive
8th April - Unprivating the blog

7th April - Edited post in Personal Blog Entry
7th April - Added new background image without 'magiccolumn' and Haruka-chan :(
7th April - Redoing Background due to cross-browser issues and screen sizes
6th April - Added more 'addthis' button.
6th April - Changed Twitter description in Contact ME
6th April - Changed the Contact Me shoutbox color
6th April - Color and style change for Personal Blog Entry
6th April - Fixed the banner in 'Link to me' for Chrome browser
5th April - Added 'Version 7.0' to the banner
5th April - Fixing Wallpaper

5th April - Modifying the Random Quotes Bar for better view
4th April - Adding Konami Code
3rd April - New blog template's main look completed
2nd April - Blog is now on version 7.0! :D
27th Feb - Did a revamp on the blog. :)

Summer'11 Part 2

Update #1: I realized that i made a mistake in the title art. It's part 2 not 3. Sorry for the mistake.
Today's post will be on the 2nd part of my first impressions of the Summer 2011 Snimes.

First Impressions Summer'11 Part 1

For today, I will be reviewing on the new series this season that i have given a try and my afterthoughts.

My Anime Reviews Part III

#Update 1: Removing Sket Dance as it is not an ending series.
I have decided to write the post earlier, so that i can avoid the 12am-2am mark where i should be sleeping. For today, it will first cover the remaining series that have ended in the current Summer 2011 season. And again, if time allows, i will go on to the rest. Here goes~

My Anime Reviews Part II

I will be continuing on my review on the animes released in released in spring 2010 and have ended, where i last stopped at Denpa no Onna to Seishun Otoko.
I will probably be unable to finish them today as well, but i will try my very best.

My Spring 2011 Impressions Part I

Today's post will be on the review of anime series i watched that have ended in the current summer season as well as those that are still ongoing and maybe those that have just started if i have the time.

The Disappearance of Me. Part II

This is the Part II of what i have gathered during the 3 months of my absence. They are all taken from NekoMagic. So, credits to GGT and the main source.

Happy Birthday to Mugi-chan! :3

Get the pun!? xD

It's Mugi's (Kotobuki Tsumugi) birthday today at July 2nd!

[Osusume PV]
Kenshi Yonezu - Eine Kleine
Blog Owner's Comment: Coming Soon!
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